I been thinking this through a good while, I am thinking of delaying publishing until I have book pro edited. Meaning it will be fine tuned thus should be a better final product.
So that will mean the $ I save up for the Publishing will go towards the editing 1st.
Then will have to save up more $ for the publishing.
Total costs for these items with the quality companies I have researched about for the last few years now and have chosen to use for self publishing will be $3000.00 so that is my new savings goal.
I have had a $60.00 private donation so now with life's trials taking most of my own savings that leaves the new bottom line at the bottom of this post called New Totals and currently left for this project.
So that leaves $2700.00 Goal left to save. Hope some of the night / after work side jobs this next month or two will be able to add a 2 or 300 do the savings. Will be a slow go at it, but in the end I will get this polished and published.
I do at times become impatient about it, but in the end doing both these things will hopefully be a better product to the readers and that after all is the goal. Like in my Drywall or Decorative Plasters if its not worth doing it the right way the 1st time its not worth doing. So even though I wonder if and when this will ever be published I know in the future some day as I keep struggling though life's challenges I will succeed. Just a matter of time.
Will give those who visit a update on how its going as things change.
Total needed $3000.00
+ Savings/Donations 3/30/2015 = $60.00
New total 4/04/2015
New total 4/22/2015 + $800.00
New Update:
As of 3/30/2015 updated car repairs in order to have 2 working vehicles takes all current personal savings, as well as future extra night jobs incomes for a few months or more.
May have to wait until next year 2016's tax return to have book edited, then 2017's tax return to publish. At current life happenings.)
04/19/2015 In the last several weeks I have been called to do some side work, after hours drywall patches, repairs, emergency stuff. Thus I have been able to raise more funds by working late into the nights. If this continues then I will be able to save more for the editing and publishing. I hope to add more to the total by next weekend.
- Remaining needed $2200.00
Helping daughter remodel a place for a little store all funds have gone to help and weeknights, week ends spent helping. Priorities are family. So some day in the future after the store is open I will focus on this project earnings again.
Progress on the Country Nook, sceduled opening July 24 2015
01/22/2016 Update:
Well due other life events I am now at -0-
So Starting over saving.
In the future I might try my own fund raiser of some kind.
Not sure.
Some day I will figure out how to get this dream done.