Concept book cover art |
It has been a while since I updated this site.
Life's drama's and distractions and work and side work in the evenings and weekends has limited my time as well as other websites and issues needing to be maintained.
I am working on Book 2. There will be many interesting and fun developments in this one.
I am also working on resaving money for professional editing and self publishing at this time.
Working through some idea's for fund raising that might actually work.
I am not confident with crowd funding sites as it seems you must pay them or a pro crowd funder to push your program. If I had the funds to pay them for a successful crowd funding I would not need to do any crowd funding to edit and publish these books.
The catch 22 of writing and publishing.
So there we are, in a holding pattern, trying to raise funds for several issues in the family as well as this book. Family will take the priority of course.
I shall see how things go this year. Maybe by summer we might be able to have a two thousand for First editing and 3 thousand for bookbaby for electronic, print on demand, hard copies publishing, put together if all goes well, or in the fall.
Also need a professional artist to do a nice book cover for the book.
Unsure of that cost but If anyone has idea's I do have plenty of concept art I have gathered up to help the artist and me get on the same wave length.
Some time I will get these things done.
ST Huls
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