The purpose of this site is to share some about my book, as well as search for funding to publish this story to the world. is where I am creating an account to assist with fund raising if my project is accepted you will be able to follow the link there to learn more about helping to fund this project.
This is a new experience for me. But those who have read the 1st book in the series of 5 agree it should be published.
01-05-2013 Update: Book One is done. Now begins the journey of finding a publisher and funding. A few more things must be done before I am ready for the program to see if funds could be raised there.
08-20-2012 Update: Book One is nearing the finish, then I will work on some cover art for the book.
Then I shall make sure I have everything ready for the program before I finish my account there.
Note: If successful with fund raising via when the time comes, I will then search out a good publisher, hope one who is honorable in all ways. Then I will go from there as I have but one shot so must make it the best one we can.
Does one ever know what is really out there? How many places has human kind actually explored on this planet we call Earth ? And yet still even after all our explorations, travels upon this Earth on land, sea, air, and even in the Heavens around our planet, There are still to this day many area's where human kind has yet to set the print of their feet.
The highly educated scholars and intellectuals of Earth in our days have even made references to and statements as recent as the early 1900's that at that time they had achieved the best human kind could ever be expected to achieve, they suggested the U.S. Patent office be closed, and indeed it was for a short time due to their belief or theory that all inventions have been created to date and there is no longer any need for the office to remain open, as we have created all that will ever be created.
Such was the arrogance of the Elites of Government and education at that time.
What if the people had listened and choose never to Dream, never to think outside the box of the present day, what if they had listened to this small group of elites, if explorations and inventions had ceased with their declarations. Imagine would we have the modern car, truck, planes, trains, computers, internet, phones, washer & dryers, millions of idea's have been created for the benefit of all human kind since that arrogant claim was made by a small elite group.
We would be like some countries around the Earth who prohibit dreams, learning, explorations, thinking outside the box, or above their status or class. We would still be locked in the 19th century.
So, No! We must be free, we as human beings naturally seek for learning, growing and to find a way to fulfill our dreams.
We must all have our minds remain open ever stretching, searching, exploring the possibilities of our dreams, for thus is how the human soul evolves into what it is intended to become.
Such with much sadness are the beliefs of some of the world’s elite and high minded folks. After much education they seem to become blinded to any possible truths, beliefs, explorations, or the possibilities for learning or discovering new things, new ideas, and a future full of possible dreams. Their minds are thus truly like concrete, they have become all mixed up and permanently set in their hard forms of beliefs bound together and solid not allowing any free thought or possible idea's to spring forth.
As a common man who has spent most of his life in the construction field, I find life simple and easy to understand as most common folks through out the Earth would agree. Thus new ideas can be allowed and studied and explored to the conformation or deletion from thought after research and honest investigation has occurred. Imagination is the creative power by which we enjoy most of all our modern and future convinces in our time now and in our children’s future's.
What if people choose not to follow their dreams? How truly sad the world would be, a very dark and dreary place indeed.
We do know that light and knowledge comes from dreams, ideas, explorations for we all grow from them.
As a plant needs food and water and sun to grow, so does the human soul need dreams, ideas, challenges to grow and to become more than we could ever think possible. Thus the human becomes over time what it is meant to become, like a caterpillar who becomes the butterfly thus shall humans one day become more after we grow and learn through our transitions of life. Like the cocoon we shall emerge from our shell one day into the future much different than we now are.
Thus this story takes place in a way for human kind to think, to grow and explore beyond its current bounds of thinking, outside the box and beyond the common knowledge taught in common schools of education, or accepted beliefs and theories of the highly educated elites of our time. And thus the minds and the hearts of human kind are stretched beyond normal imaginations, and into the realms of dreams.
"Lev Antas Shuesa" (Pure Heart Guide) the beginning of a journey into humanities past, present and future.
In a small valley town of Beaver Utah with a family gathering once again for a reunion in a remote mountain valley, then several of the children go missing, a search evolves into something no one expected. It will bring each one to bear on there own mortality, who they are and open their minds to realities they never in their wildest dreams or nightmares ever considered. A rescue team embarks on a journey with much more importance than any of them could realize at the time. An old family friend turns out to be much more than any of them knew, choices must be made, a fight for good over evil ensues in this 1st book of 7 that will tell the whole story of this adventure which combines many myths, legends, facts, and imaginations.
I hope this story helps bring into your minds the possibilities of further realities as some of the idea's contained here are brought from myths, legends, and other stories some recent some thousands of years old. Mixed with my own imagination.
Any resemblance to actual people or places is only coincidental of course and the names are a creation of my own mind. So sit back and allow yourself to drift off into the dream lands that exist between the words of this book and the creativity of your own minds eye. Everyone loves a good tale, I hope this will be worthy of becoming one for you.
I began writing this tale for the entertainment of my children, relatives, and friends. Now those who have read it, desire to know what is to be in the next volumes to come, from age's 69 to my children from 13 - 21 all are interested in the story line so it does seem to entertain a diverse group of people. And they have encouraged me to finish and publish this book. I seek funding to be able to publish this book and hope that it entertains everyone who makes the journey to explore it.
Stephen T. Huls
Monroe, Utah, USA
This is a new experience for me. But those who have read the 1st book in the series of 5 agree it should be published.
01-05-2013 Update: Book One is done. Now begins the journey of finding a publisher and funding. A few more things must be done before I am ready for the program to see if funds could be raised there.
08-20-2012 Update: Book One is nearing the finish, then I will work on some cover art for the book.
Then I shall make sure I have everything ready for the program before I finish my account there.
Note: If successful with fund raising via when the time comes, I will then search out a good publisher, hope one who is honorable in all ways. Then I will go from there as I have but one shot so must make it the best one we can.
Does one ever know what is really out there? How many places has human kind actually explored on this planet we call Earth ? And yet still even after all our explorations, travels upon this Earth on land, sea, air, and even in the Heavens around our planet, There are still to this day many area's where human kind has yet to set the print of their feet.
The highly educated scholars and intellectuals of Earth in our days have even made references to and statements as recent as the early 1900's that at that time they had achieved the best human kind could ever be expected to achieve, they suggested the U.S. Patent office be closed, and indeed it was for a short time due to their belief or theory that all inventions have been created to date and there is no longer any need for the office to remain open, as we have created all that will ever be created.
Such was the arrogance of the Elites of Government and education at that time.
What if the people had listened and choose never to Dream, never to think outside the box of the present day, what if they had listened to this small group of elites, if explorations and inventions had ceased with their declarations. Imagine would we have the modern car, truck, planes, trains, computers, internet, phones, washer & dryers, millions of idea's have been created for the benefit of all human kind since that arrogant claim was made by a small elite group.
We would be like some countries around the Earth who prohibit dreams, learning, explorations, thinking outside the box, or above their status or class. We would still be locked in the 19th century.
So, No! We must be free, we as human beings naturally seek for learning, growing and to find a way to fulfill our dreams.
We must all have our minds remain open ever stretching, searching, exploring the possibilities of our dreams, for thus is how the human soul evolves into what it is intended to become.
Such with much sadness are the beliefs of some of the world’s elite and high minded folks. After much education they seem to become blinded to any possible truths, beliefs, explorations, or the possibilities for learning or discovering new things, new ideas, and a future full of possible dreams. Their minds are thus truly like concrete, they have become all mixed up and permanently set in their hard forms of beliefs bound together and solid not allowing any free thought or possible idea's to spring forth.
As a common man who has spent most of his life in the construction field, I find life simple and easy to understand as most common folks through out the Earth would agree. Thus new ideas can be allowed and studied and explored to the conformation or deletion from thought after research and honest investigation has occurred. Imagination is the creative power by which we enjoy most of all our modern and future convinces in our time now and in our children’s future's.
What if people choose not to follow their dreams? How truly sad the world would be, a very dark and dreary place indeed.
We do know that light and knowledge comes from dreams, ideas, explorations for we all grow from them.
As a plant needs food and water and sun to grow, so does the human soul need dreams, ideas, challenges to grow and to become more than we could ever think possible. Thus the human becomes over time what it is meant to become, like a caterpillar who becomes the butterfly thus shall humans one day become more after we grow and learn through our transitions of life. Like the cocoon we shall emerge from our shell one day into the future much different than we now are.
Thus this story takes place in a way for human kind to think, to grow and explore beyond its current bounds of thinking, outside the box and beyond the common knowledge taught in common schools of education, or accepted beliefs and theories of the highly educated elites of our time. And thus the minds and the hearts of human kind are stretched beyond normal imaginations, and into the realms of dreams.
In a small valley town of Beaver Utah with a family gathering once again for a reunion in a remote mountain valley, then several of the children go missing, a search evolves into something no one expected. It will bring each one to bear on there own mortality, who they are and open their minds to realities they never in their wildest dreams or nightmares ever considered. A rescue team embarks on a journey with much more importance than any of them could realize at the time. An old family friend turns out to be much more than any of them knew, choices must be made, a fight for good over evil ensues in this 1st book of 7 that will tell the whole story of this adventure which combines many myths, legends, facts, and imaginations.
I hope this story helps bring into your minds the possibilities of further realities as some of the idea's contained here are brought from myths, legends, and other stories some recent some thousands of years old. Mixed with my own imagination.
Any resemblance to actual people or places is only coincidental of course and the names are a creation of my own mind. So sit back and allow yourself to drift off into the dream lands that exist between the words of this book and the creativity of your own minds eye. Everyone loves a good tale, I hope this will be worthy of becoming one for you.
I began writing this tale for the entertainment of my children, relatives, and friends. Now those who have read it, desire to know what is to be in the next volumes to come, from age's 69 to my children from 13 - 21 all are interested in the story line so it does seem to entertain a diverse group of people. And they have encouraged me to finish and publish this book. I seek funding to be able to publish this book and hope that it entertains everyone who makes the journey to explore it.
Stephen T. Huls
Monroe, Utah, USA
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